

Edited books
Edited theme issues of journals



To appear in 2024 or 2025

185. Hulst, Harry van der (to appear). Word stress. In: Hilary Nesi and Petar. Eds. Milin International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd Edition.

184. Hulst, Harry van der (to appear). Dependency Phonology. In: Hilary Nesi and Petar. Eds. Milin International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd Edition.

183. Hulst, Harry van der (to appear). Phonological minimalism. In: In: Bondaruk, Anna and Sławomir Zdziebko. eds. Minimalism in syntax and phonology. Core operations and interface conditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

182. Hulst, Harry van der (to appear). If phonology is flat, it must be linear, but is it? (or: another note on recursion in phonology). In Eirini Apostolopoulou and Martin Krämer. Eds. Linearisation in Phonology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

181. Hulst, Harry van der (to appear). How to get rid of accent (or not). In: Pavel Iosad and Björn Köhnlein (eds.). Synchronic and diachronic approaches to tonal accent. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xxx-xxx.

180. Hulst, Harry van der (to appear). Pitch accent systems (revised version). In: Kuniya Nasukawa et al. eds. Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Phonology (PhonCom2). Wiley-Blackwell, xxx.

179. Den Dikken and Harry van der Hulst (to appear). Syntax and phonology are one. In: Kuniya Nasukawa et al. eds. Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Phonology (PhonCom2). Wiley-Blackwell, xxx.

178. Hulst, Harry van der and Jeroen van de Weijer (to appear). Approximants. In: Martin J. Ball. Ed. Approximants: Studies in their Phonetics and Phonology. Equinox, xxx-xxx.

177. Hulst, Harry van der and Jacques Durand (to appear). Vowel Harmony in Dependency-based approaches. In: Ritter, Nancy and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2023). The Oxford handbook of vowel harmony. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xxx-xxx.

176. Ritter, Nancy and Harry van der Hulst (to appear). Themes in the study of vowel harmony. In: Ritter, Nancy and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2023). The Oxford handbook of vowel harmony. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xx-xx.


175. Hulst, Harry van der (to appear). Recursive syllable structure in RCVP. In: Florian Breit, Yuko Yoshida, Connor Youngberg (eds.). Elements, Government, and Licensing: Developments in Phonology [Festschrift for Monique Charette], UCL Press, xxx-xxx []


174. Bogomolets, Ksenia and Harry van der Hulst, (2022). Theoretical issue in word prominence. In: Ksenia Bogomolets and Harry van der Hulst (eds.). Word prominence in polysynthetic languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-32.

173. Hulst, Harry van der (2022). A unified theory of phonological and morphological accent. In: Ksenia Bogomolets and Harry van der Hulst (eds.). Word prominence in polysynthetic languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 567-625.

    172. Dresher, Elan and Harry van der Hulst. (to appear). Leading idea in Phonology. In: Elan Dresher and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (to appear). The Oxford History of Phonology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    171. Hulst, Harry van der (to appear). History of sign language phonology. In: Dresher, Elan and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (to appear). The Oxford History of Phonology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


    170. Harry van der Hulst (to appear). A Guide to Radical CV Phonology, with special reference to tongue root and tongue body harmony. To appear in: Laurence Voeltzel (ed.). Perspectives on Element Theory. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

    169. Hulst, H.G van der and Els van der Kooij (2021). Sign language phonology – theoretical perspectives. In: Josep Quer Villanueva, Roland Pfau and Annika Herrmann (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Theoretical and Experimental Sign Language Research. Routledge, 1-33


    168. Gordon, Matt and Harry van der Hulst. (2020). Word stress. In: Carlos Gussenhoven and Aoju Chen. Eds. The Handbook of Prosody. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 66-77.

    167. Den Dikken, Marcel and Harry van der Hulst (2020). On some deep analogies between syntax and phonology. In: Backley, Phillip and Nasukawa, Kuniya. Eds. Morpheme-internal recursion in phonology. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 57-116.



    166. Hulst, Harry van der and Jeroen van de Weijer. (2018). Phonological Complexity: A Radical CV Phonology Perspective. In: Harry van der Hulst and Roger Böhm. Eds. Substance-based Grammar – The (ongoing) work of John Anderson. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Company, 385-430.

    165. Hulst, Harry van der (2018). Metaphony and unary features. In: Roberto Petrosino, Pietro Cerrone and Harry van der Hulst. Eds. Beyond the veil of Maya – From sounds to structures. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 104-128.

    164. Hulst, H.G van der and Jeroen van de Weijer (2018). Dependency Phonology. To appear in S. J. Hannahs & Anna Bosch (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phonology. London: Routledge, 325-359.

    163. Hulst, H.G van der. (2018). Deconstructing tongue root harmony systems. In Geoff Lindsey and Andrew Nevins. Sonic signatures. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Company, 74-99.


    162. Hulst, H.G. van der (2017). A representational account of vowel harmony in terms of variable elements and licensing. In: Hulst, Harry van der and Anikó Lipták (eds.). The structure of Hungarian. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 95-133.

    161. Hulst, H. G. van der (2017). Phonological typology. In: Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and Robert Dixon (eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of Typological Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 39-77.

    160. van der Hulst, Harry, Rob Goedemans and Keren Rice (2017). Areal aspects of Stress – second proof. In: Raymond Hickey (ed.). Handbook of Areal Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 161-203.


    159. Hulst, H. G. van der (2016). Phonological Ambiguity. Theoretical Linguistics 2015; 41(1-2): 79–87

    158. Hulst, H. G. van der (2016). Monovalent Features. Language and Linguistics Compass 10/2 (2016): 83–102

    157. Hulst, H. G. van der (2016). Vowel harmony. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics (OnLine).


    156. Hulst, H.G. van der (2015). The laryngeal class in RcvP and voice phenomena in Dutch. In: Johanneke Caspers, Yija Chen, Willemijn Heeren, Jos Pacilly, Niels Schiller and Ellen van Zanten (eds.). Above and beyond the segments. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 323-349

    155. Hulst, H.G. van der (2015). Phonological features: the work of G.N. Clements. In: Annie Rialland and Rachid Ridouane, Harry van der Hulst (in prep.).Features in phonology and phonetics”, subtitle: Posthumous writings of Nick Clements with coauthors. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 3-16.

    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (2015). Phonological systems. In Keith Allen (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Linguistics.
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2015). The Opponent Principle in RcvP: Binarity in a Unary System. In: Eric Raimy and Charles Cairns (eds.). The Segment in Phonetics and Phonology. Wiley-Blackwell.
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (2015). Lowering Harmony in Bantu. In Sabrina Bendjaballah, Noam Faust, Mohamed Lahrouchi, Nicola Lampitelli (eds.). The form of structure, the structure of forms: Essays on the realization of linguistic structures. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Company, 13-36.


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (2014). The non-linguistic status of the Symmetry Condition in signed language: Evidence from a comparison of signs and spontaneous co-speech gesture (with S. Kita & I. van Gijn). Sign language and linguistics 7:2, 215-238  (authors preface, article itselfauthors afterword)
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2014). Representing rhythm. In: Hulst, H.G. van der (2014) (ed.). Word Stress: Theoretical and typological issues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 325-365.
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der and Rob Goedemans (2014). The separation of accent and rhythm: Evidence from StressTyp In: Hulst, H.G. van der (2014) (ed.). Word Stress: Theoretical and typological issues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 119-148.
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (2014). Word Stress: past, present and future. In: Hulst, H.G. van der (2014) (ed.). Word Stress: Theoretical and typological issues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3-55.


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der and Beata Moskal (2013). Pattern of defective labial harmony in Turkic languages. In: Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi I (Linguistic Investigations. Theme Issue: Updates to Turkish Phonology, 17-52
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2013). The discoverers of the phoneme. In: Keith Allen (eds.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 167-191.


    1. Hulst, Harry van der. 2012. Deconstructing stress. Lingua 122, 1494-1521. [AR 2013]
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2012). Vowel harmony in Turkish and Hungarian. In McGill Working Papers VOLUME 22(1). A. McKillen & J. Loughran (eds.)  (Winter 2012. The Proceedings from MOT 2011 Phonology in the 21st Century: In Honour of Glyne Piggott. [AR 2012]
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (2012). Yoruba vowel harmony. In Eugeniuc. Cyran, Henryk Kardela and Bogdan Szymanek (eds.). Sound, Structure and Sense. Studies in memory of Edmund Gussman. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 263-288.
    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (2012). A framework for vowel harmony. In: Botma, Bert & Roland Noske (eds.), Phonological Explorations: Empirical, Theoretical and Diachronic Issues. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [Linguistische Arbeiten series] 155-190
    2. Channon, Rachel and Harry van der Hulst (2011). Are dynamic features required in signs? In: Channon, Rachel and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2011).Formational units in sign languages.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 229-260.


    1. Channon, Rachel and Harry van der (2011). Introduction: Phonetics, Phonology, Iconicity and Innateness. In: Channon, Rachel and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2011). Formational units in sign languages.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1-18.
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2011). Pitch Accent Systems. In: Marc van Oostendorp, Colin Ewen and Keren Rice. The Blackwell Companion to Phonology. Blackwell, Volume II, 1003-27
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (2011). Dependency-based phonologies. In J. Goldsmith, A. Yu and J. Riggle (eds.). The Handbook of Phonological Theory. Second Edition. Blackwell, 533-70.


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Accentual systems in the languages of Middle America. In: R. Goedemans, H.G. van der Hulst & E. van Zanten (eds.). Word accent structure in the languages of the world. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter [with Keren Rice and Leo Wetzels]
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2010.). Representing Accent. In Phonological Studies.13, 117-128
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Word Accent: terms, typologies and theories. In: H.G. van der Hulst, R. Goedemans, & E. van Zanten (eds.). Stress patterns of the world. Part II: the data. Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter. 3-54.
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Accentual systems in the languages of Asia. In: H. van der Hulst, R. Goedemans, & E. van Zanten (eds.). Stress patterns of the world. Part II: the data. Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter. 509-614.[with René Schiering]
    5. Hulst, H.G. van der  and Sam Hellmuth (2010). Accentual systems in the languages of the Middle East.
    6. Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Accentual systems in the languages of Europe.
    7. Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Notation systems. In: Diane Brentari (ed.). Cambridge Survey of Sign Linguistics and Sign Languges. (with Rachel Channon)
    8. Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Constraint-based phonologies. In: University of Connecticut Working Papers.
    9. Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). A note on recursion in phonology. In: Harry van der Hulst (ed.). Recursion and Human Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 301-342.
    10. Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Re recursion. In: Harry van der Hulst (ed.). Recursion and Human Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, i-xv.


    1. Hulst, H. van der (2009). Two phonologies. In: Janet Grijzenhout and Baris Kabak (eds.). Phonological domains: universals and deviations. New York and Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 315-352.
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2009). StressTyp: A Database for Word Accentual Patterns in the World’s Languages. To appear in: Martin Everaert and Simon Musgrave (eds.). The use of databases in cross-linguistics research. New York/Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 235-282 (with Rob Goedemans).
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (2009). Brackets and grid marks or theories of primary accent and rhythm. In: E. Raimy and C. Cairns (eds.). Contemporary views on architecture and representations in phonological theory. MIT press, 225-245.


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (2008). The Dutch diminutive. In: C. Ewen, H. van der Hulst & N. Kula (eds.). Trends in prosodic phonology. Lingua volume 118, issue 9, 1288-1306.
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2008). On the question of universals. In H. van der Hulst (2008) (ed.). Examples of Linguistic Universals. Special theme issue of The Linguistic Review 25/1, 1-35.


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (2006). Licensing in phonology. The Linguistic Review 23/4, 383-428.
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2006). Phonetic implementation and phonetic pre-specification in sign language phonology. In: Louis Browman et al. (eds.). Papers in Laboratory Phonology 9, 265-286 (with Els van der Kooij).
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (2006). On the parallel organization of linguistic components. In: R. Bermudez-Otero & P. Honeybone (eds.). Phonology and syntax- the same or different. Special issue of the journal Lingua Volume 116, Issue 5, 657-688.
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (2006). Word Accent. In: Keith Brown (ed.). The encyclopedia of language and linguistics. 2nd edition. Volume 13. Oxford: Elsevier, 655-665.
    5. Hulst, H.G. van der (2006). Dependency phonology. In: Keith Brown (ed.). The encyclopedia of language and linguistics. 2nd edition. Volume 3. Oxford: Elsevier, 451-458.


    1. Hulst. H.G. van der (2005). Why phonology is the same. In: H. Broekhuis Norbert Corver, Riny Huybregts, Ursula Kleinhenz and J. Koster (eds.). The organization of grammar. Studies in Honor of Henk van Riemsdijk. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 252-262.
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). De vorm van taalNederlandse Taalkunde 10, 3 / 4, 262-282.
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). The molecular structure of phonological segments. In: P. Carr, J. Durand & C. Ewen (eds.). Headhood, elements, specification and contrastivity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 193-234.
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). On the internal and external organization of sign segments: some modality specific property of sign segments in NGT. In: M. van Oostendorp and J. van de Weijer (eds.). The internal organization of phonological segments. Studies in Generative Grammar 77. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 153-180. (with Els van der Kooij).
    5. Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). Rhythm types. In: Martin Haspelmath, Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Bernard Comrie (eds). The world atlas of linguistic structures, 74-77  (with R. Goedemans)
    6. Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). Weight factors in weigth-sensitive stress systems. In: Martin Haspelmath, Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Bernard Comrie (eds). The world atlas of linguistic structures, 70-73  (with R. Goedemans)
    7. Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). Weight-sensitive stress. In: Martin Haspelmath, Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Bernard Comrie (eds). The world atlas of linguistic structures, 66-69  (with R. Goedemans)
    8. Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). Fixed stress locations. In: Martin Haspelmath, Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Bernard Comrie (eds). The world atlas of linguistic structures, 62-65  (with R. Goedemans)

    110-113 also in:
    In: Haspelmath, Martin & Dryer, Matthew S. & Gil, David & Comrie, Bernard (eds.) The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library, chapter 39. More…


    1. Hulst, H.G. (2004). Phonological dialectics: A short history of generative phonology. In P.G.J. van Sterkenburg (ed.). Linguistics today – Facing a greater challenge. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 217-243.


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (2003). Cognitive phonology. In Germania at alia. A linguistic webschrift for Hans den Besten on the occasion of his 55th birthday. [ISBN: 90-9017951-8]
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2003). Structure paradoxes in phonology. In Stefan Ploch (ed.). Living on the edge. A festschrift for Jonathan Kaye. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 75-94.
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (2003). Dutch syllable structure meets Government Phonology. In: Takeru Honma, Masao Okazaki, Toshiyuki Tabata and Shin-ichi Tanaka (eds.). A new century of phonology and phonological theory: A festschrift for professor Shosuke Haraguchi on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. Tokyo, Japan: Kaitakusha, 313-343.
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (2003). Sign language structures. In: Handbook of deaf studies, language and education (Oxford University Press) (with Susan Fisher), 319-331.


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (2002). Levels, constraints and heads. In: A.M. di Sciullo (ed.) Asymmetry in grammar. Volume II. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Company, 147-188 (with N. Ritter).
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2002). Stress and accent. In: Nadel, L. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Vol. 4, 4. London: Nature Publishing Group, 246 – 254.
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (2002). Licensing in phonology. In: Korean linguistics today and tomorrow. 2002 International Conference on Korean Linguistics, 107-130.
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (2002). Complex segments in Radical CV Phonology. In: Korean linguistics today and tomorrow. 2002 International Conference on Korean Linguistics, 171-191.


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (2001). SignPhon: a phonological database for sign language. Sign language and linguistics 4, 1/2, 215-228 (with O. Crasborn, E. van der Kooij)


    1. Hulst, H.G. (2000). Metrical phonology. In: L. Cheng & R. Sybesma (eds.). The GLOT International state-of-the-article book. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 307-326
    2. H.G. van der Hulst (2000). The SPE-heritage of OT The Linguistic Review 17/2-4, 259-290 (with N. Ritter)
    3. H.G. van der Hulst (2000). Modularity and modality in phonology. In: N. Burton-Roberts, P. Carr & G. Docherty (eds.). Phonological knowledge: its nature. Oxford: OUP, 207-244
    4. H.G. van der Hulst (2000). No sympathy for opacity. In: S. Billings & A. Griffith (eds.). The main session [CLS 35]. Chicago: Chicago Linguistics Society, 153-173. (with N. Ritter)
    5. Hulst, H.G. van der (2000). Features, segments and syllables in Radical CV Phonology. In: J. Rennison (ed.). Phonologica 1996: Syllables!? The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 89-111
    6. Hulst, H.G. van der (2000). Issues in foot typology. In: M. Davenport & S.J. Hannahs (eds). Issues in phonological structure. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 95-127 [Also appeared in Toronto Working Papers in linguistics, vol. 16/1, 1997, 77-102]


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1999). Stricture is structure. In: B. Hermans & M. Oostendorp (eds.). The derivational residue in phonological Optimality Theory. Dordrecht: Reidel, 153-174 (with C. Golston)
    2. Hulst H.G. van der (1999). Fonologie. In: W. Smedts & P.C. Paardekooper (eds.). De Nederlandse taalkunde in kaart. Leuven/Amersfoort: Acco, 113-120 [with M. van Oostendorp]
    3. Hulst H.G. van der (1999). Weight-by-position by position. Natural language and linguistic theory  17/3, 499-450 (with S. Rosenthal)
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (1999). Theories of the syllable. In: Hulst, H.G. van der & N. Ritter (eds.). The syllable: views & facts. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 13-52 (with N. Ritter)
    5. Hulst, H.G. van der (1999). Head-driven Phonology. In: Hulst, H.G. van der & N. Ritter (eds.). The syllable: views & facts. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 113-167 (with N. Ritter)
    6. Hulst, H.G. van der (1999). A survey of European word prosodic systems. In: H. van der Hulst (ed.). Word prosodic systems in the languages of Europe. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New York, 425-476 (with B. Hendriks and J. van de Weijer)
    7. Hulst, H.G. van der (1999). Word accent. In: H. van der Hulst (ed.). Word prosodic systems in the languages of Europe. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New York, 3-116


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1998). Head-dependent asymmetries in prosodic phonology: Visibility and comWord accentplexity. Phonology 15/3, 317-52 (with E. Dresher)
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1998). Prosodic choices in plural formation in Dutch. In: W. Kehrein & R. Wiese (eds). Phonology and morphology of the Germanic languages. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 187-198 (with J. Kooij)
    3. H.G. van der Hulst (1998). Syntagmatic organization of movement phases in signs and co-speech gestures. In: I. Wachsmuth & M. Fröhlich (eds.). Proceedings of the Bielefeld gesture workshop, xxx-xxx (with S. Kita & I. van Gijn)
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (1998). Kammu minor syllables in Head-driven Phonology In: E. Cyran (ed.). Structure and interpretation. Studies in phonology. Lublin: Folium, 163-182 (with N. Ritter)


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1997). Primary accent is non-metrical. Rivista di Linguistica 9/1, 99-127 (guest editor: I. Vogel)
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1997). Locality and the nature of harmony. Lingua 103, 85-112 (with G. Piggott)
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1997). On some parallels between unrealized empty nuclei and unstressed syllables. In: G. Booij & J. van de Weijer (eds.). HIL phonology papers III. HIL publications #5. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 125-149 (with G. Rowicka)
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (1997). Prosodische keuzes bij meervoudsvorming in het Nederlands. In:  A. van Santen & M. van der Wal (eds.). Taal in tijd en ruimte. SNL Leiden,  365-375 (with J. Kooij)
    5. Hulst, H.G. van der (1997). The prosodic structure of Kambera roots and words. In: C. Odé & W. Stokhof (eds.). Proceedings of the 7th Intern. Conf. on Austronesian linguistics. Leiden, 22-27 August 1994. Amsterdam: Rodopi Press, 105-125 (with M. Klamer)


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). Reduplication in Leti (with M. Klamer). In: C. Cremers & M. den Dikken (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1996. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 109-120.[Also appeared in M. Pearson (ed), Recent Papers in Austronesian Linguistics. UCLA Occasional Papers in Linguistics 21, 1998, 147-158.]
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). Radical CV Phonology: The segment – syllable connection. In: J. Durand & B. Laks (eds.). Current trends in phonology: Models and methods. Vol 1. CNRS/ESRI Paris X, 333-363
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). The Uneven trochee and the structure of Kambera roots (with M. Klamer) In: M. Nespor & N. Smith (eds.). Dam Phonology. HIL phonology papers II. HIL Publications #3.
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). StressTyp; A database for prosodic systems in the world’s languages. Glot International 2,1/2, 21-23 (with R. Goedemans & E. Visch), 27-68
    5. Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). The organization of StressTyp. In: R. Goedemans, H. van der Hulst & E. Visch (eds.). Stress patterns of the world. Part I. HIL Publications 2. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics (with R. Goedemans & E. Visch), 27-68
    6. Hulst H.G. van der (1996). Separating primary accent and secondary accent. In: R. Goedemans, H. van der Hulst & E. Visch (eds.). Stress patterns of the world. Part I. HIL Publications 2. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 1-26
    7. Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). On the other hand. In H.G. van der Hulst and A. Mills (eds). Issues in the phonology of sign language. Theme issue of Linguavol. 98, 121-144
    8. Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). Issues in sign linguistics: phonetics, phonology and morpho-syntax. In: H.G. van der Hulst and A. Mills (eds). Issues in the phonology of sign language. Theme issue of Lingua vol. 98 3-18
    9. Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). Acquisitional evidence for the phonological composition of handshape. In: Ch. Koster & F. Wijnen (eds.). Proceedings of Gala 1985, 39-56
    10. Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). StressTyp Manual. Leiden: Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics (HIL) (with R. Goedemans & E. Visch)


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). The composition of handshapes. Trondheim Working Papers 23, 1-17
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). Head-dependency relations in the representation of signs. In H. Bos & T. Schermer (eds.). Sign language research 1994.Proceedings of the 4th European congress on Sign language research. Münich 1-3 September 1994. Hamburg: Signum Press, 11-38
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). Radical CV Phonology: The categorial gesture. In: J. Durand and F. Katamba (eds.). Frontiers of phonology. Essex: Longman, 80-116
    4. Hulst, H.G. (1995). Global determinacy and learnability in phonology. In: J. Archibald (ed.). Phonological acquisition and phonological theory. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1-22 (with E. Dresher)
    5. Hulst, H.G. (1995). Metrical phonology. Glot International 1/1, 3-6
    6. Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). Head-dependent asymmetries in phonology. In: H. van der Hulst & J. van de Weijer (eds.). Leiden in Last. HIL phonology papers I. HIL Publications # 1. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 401-431 (with E. Dresher)
    7. Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). Metathesis effects in Tutukeian-Letinese. In: H. van der Hulst & J. van de Weijer (eds.). Leiden in Last. HIL phonology papers I. HIL Publications # 1. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 243-267 (with A. van Engelenhoven)
    8. Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). Non-linear phonology 1982-1992. In: H. van der Hulst & J. van de Weijer (eds.). Leiden in Last. HIL phonology papers I. HIL Publications # 1. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 1-24 (with J. van de Weijer)
    9. Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). Vowel harmony. In: J.A. Goldsmith (ed.). The Handbook of phonological theory. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 495-534 (with J. van de Weijer)


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1994). Two modes of stress assignment. In: W. Dressler & J. Rennison (eds.). Phonologica 1992. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 107-114 (with J. Kooij)
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1994). An introduction to Radical CV Phonology. In: S. Shore & M. Vilkuna (eds.). SKY 1994: Yearbook of the linguistic association of Finland. Helsinki, 23-56
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1994). Radical CV Phonology: The locational gesture. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 6, 439-477
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (1994). Phonological theories meet sign language: two theories of the two hands. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 13/1, 43-74 (with W. Sandler)


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1993). Les atomes de la structure segmentale: composants, gestes, et dépendances. In: B. Laks & A. Rialland (eds.). Architecture des représentations phonologiques. Paris: CNRS Editions, 255-290
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1993). Head-dependent asymmetries in phonology. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 12/3, 1-18 (with E. Dresher)
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1993). Issues in the representation of tonal register. In: H. van der Hulst & K. Snider (eds.). The representation of tonal register. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter, 1-27 (with K. Snider)
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (1993). Units in the analysis of signs. Phonology 10/2, 209-241


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1992). Transparent consonants In: R. van Hout & R. Bok-Bennema (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1992. Berlin: Foris, 101-112 (with M. Mous)
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1992). Iambic lengthening in Carib. In: R. van Hout & R. Bok-Bennema (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1992. Berlin: Foris, 113-124 (with E. Visch)
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1992). The phonetic and phonological basis of the simplex feature hypothesis. In: W. Dressler et al. (eds.). Phonologica 1988. CUP, 119-132


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1991). Major class and manner features. In: P. Bertinetto et al. (ed.). Certamen Phonologicum II. Rosenberg & Sellier, 19-42 (with C. Ewen)
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1991). Topics in Turkish phonology. In: H. Boeschoten & L. Verhoeven (eds.). Structure and use of Turkish. Leiden: Brill, 11-59 (with J. van de Weijer)


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1990). Zurichtuutsch Umlaut and the non-existence of [+/-tense]. In: J. Mascaró & M. Nespor (eds.). Work in progress. Festschrift for Henk van Riemsdijk. Dordrecht: Foris, 397-409 (with N. Smith)
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1990). The segmental spine and the non-existence of [+/-ATR]. In: J. Mascaró & M. Nespor (eds.). Work in progress. Festschrift for Henk van Riemsdijk. Dordrecht: Foris, 247-259


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1989). Atoms of segmental structure: components, gestures and dependency. Phonology 6/2, 253-284


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). The variety of pitch-accent systems. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). Autosegmental studies on pitch accent. Dordrecht: Foris, i-xiv (with N. Smith)
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). Segmental hierarchitecture. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). Features, segmental structure and harmony processes. Dordrecht: Foris, 1-059 (with M. den Dikken)
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). The geometry of vocalic features. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). Features, segmental structure and harmony processes. Dordrecht: Foris, 77-126
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). Tungusic and Mongolian vowel harmony: a minimal pair. In: P. Coopmans & A. Hulk (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1988. Dordrecht: Foris, 79-88 (with N. Smith)
    5. Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). [High], [Low] and [Back] or [I], [A] and [U]. In: P. Coopmans & A. Hulk (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1988. Dordrecht: Foris, 49-58 (with C. Ewen)
    6. Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). Lettergreepstructuur. GLOT 10/1,165-196 (with J. van Lit)
    7. Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). Struktuur-pararadoxen bestaan niet. Spektator 17/4, 300-316 (with T. Hoekstra & F. van der Putten)
    8. Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). On foot typologyNELS 18, 286-209 (with A. Lahiri)
    9. Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). The dual interpretation of |i|, |u| and |a|NELS 18, 208-222


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1987). Single-valued features and the distinction between [-F] and [0F]. In: Beukema, F. & P. Coopmans (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1987. Dordrecht: Foris, 51-61 (with C. Ewen)
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1987). Vowel harmony in Khalkha and Buriat (East Mongolian). In: F. Beukema & P. Coopmans (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1987. Dordrecht: Foris, 81-91 (with N. Smith)
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1987). A lexical-autosegmental analysis of vowel harmony in Hungarian. In: W. Dressler et al. (eds.). Phonologica 1984. London etc.: CUP, 103-109


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1986). Fonologie en morfologie. In: P.C. Paardekooper (red.). De Nederlandse taalkunde in kaart. KUL, Leuven, 54-56
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1986). On Neutral vowels In: K. Bogers, H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). The phonological representation of suprasegmentals. Dordrecht: Foris, 233-281 (with N. Smith)
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1986). The autosegmental analysis of reduced vowel harmony systems: the case of Tunen. In: F. Beukema & A. Hulk (eds.).Linguistics in the Netherlands 1986. Dordrecht: Foris, 105-123 (with M. Mous & N. Smith)


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1985). The framework of nonlinear phonology. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). Advances in nonlinear phonology. Dordrecht: Foris, 3-59
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1985). Single-valued features and the non-linear analysis of vowel harmony. In: H. Bennis & F. Beukema (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1985. Dordrecht: Foris, 39-49 (with C. Ewen)
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1985). Ambisyllabicity in Dutch. In: H. Bennis & F. Beukema (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1985. Dordrecht: Foris, 57-67
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (1985). Vowel features and Umlaut in Djingili, Nyangumarda and Warlpiri. Phonology Yearbook 2, 277-303 (with N. Smith)
    5. Hulst, H.G. van der (1985). Vowel harmony in Hungarian. A comparsion of segmental and autosegmental analyses. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). Advances in nonlinear phonology. Dordrecht: Foris, 267-303


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1984). Ambisyllabiciteit en de struktuur van Nederlandse lettergrepen. Spektator 14/5, 319-326
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1984). Formele en functionele fonologie. TNTL, 107-130
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1984). Nederlandse klemtoon: ongelede woorden. INL Working Papers 1 (with S. Langeweg)  (part 1, part 2)
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (1984). The diminutive suffix and the structure of Dutch syllables. In: H. Bennis & W.U.S. van Lessen Kloeke (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1984. Dordrecht: Foris, 73-83


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1982). Prosodic domains and opaque segments in autosegmental phonology. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). The structure of phonological representations. Part II. Dordrecht: Foris, 311-336 (with N. Smith)
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1982). An overview of autosegmental and metrical phonology. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). The structure of phonological representations. Part I. Dordrecht: Foris, 1-45 (with N. Smith)


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1981). Spelerig: geen geval van structurele ambigu‹teit. In: Studies voor Damsteegt. Publikaties van de Vakgroep Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. No 10. Leiden, 106-114 (with A. van Santen)
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1981). On the direction of assimilation rules. In: W. Dressler et al. (eds.). Phonologica 1980. Innsbruck, 209-214 (with J.G. Kooij)
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1981). Geïnterpreteerde morfologieGLOT 4, 179-214 (with M. Moortgat)
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (1981). De structuur van fonologische representaties. GLOT 4, 1-33


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). Towards a lexical theory of phonological change. In: W. Zonneveld & F. Weerman (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1977-79. Dordrecht: Foris, 170-182
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). Rule conversion in phonology. In: W. Zonneveld & F. Weerman (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1977-79. Dordrecht: Foris, 336-349
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). Prosodische fonologie en de accentuatie van Nederlandse woorden. In: Verslag van de 150e vergadering van de vereniging van fonetische wetenschappen, 1-25 (with M. Moortgat)
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). On the formulation of phonological rules. In: S. Daalder & M. Gerritsen (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1980. Amsterdam etc.: North Holland Publishing Company, 10-19
    5. Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). Introduction [to Lexical Grammar]. In: T. Hoekstra, H. van der Hulst, M. Moortgat (eds.). Lexical Grammar. Dordrecht: Foris, 1-48 (with T. Hoekstra & M. Moortgat)
    6. Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). Het lexicon en de klasse van mogelijke grammatica’s. Forum der Letteren 21, 177-195 (with T. Hoekstra & M. Moortgat)


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1979). Klankverandering: regelgebonden of lexicaal diffuus. GLOT 2, 31-44
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1979). “ALEX” of het grammaticaal coderen van een taalbank. In: Jaarboek van de Stichting Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie 1977-78, 78-87 (with M. Moortgat)
    3. Hulst, H. van der (1978). Recent developments in phonological theory. Lingua 49: 207-38.


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1978). Naar een adequate theorie van taalverandering. GLOT 1, 119-145
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (1978). Geïnstitutionaliseerde lexicologie. Forum der Letteren 19, 72-85 (with W. Pijnenburg & M. Moortgat)


    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (1977). Natuurlijke generatieve fonologie. Spektator 7, 423-433



    To appear in 2025

    Hulst, Harry van der Hulst (to appear in 2025). Genes, Brains and Evolution – The Language Debate Continued. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


    Hulst, Harry van der (2024). A Mind for Language: An Introduction to the Innateness Debate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


    Hulst, Harry van der (2020). Principles of Radical CV Phonology. A theory of segmental and syllabic structure. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.


    Hulst, Harry van der (2018). Asymmetries in vowel harmony. A representational account. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


    Ewen, Colin and Harry van der Hulst (2001). The phonological structure of words. An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


    Hulst, Harry van der (1984). Syllable structure and stress in Dutch. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.

    Text Books, non-academic book publications


    Hulst, Harry van der (2008). Linguistic structures. Kendall/Hunt.

    Hulst, Harry van der (2008). A mind for language. 3rd Edition. Online.


    Hulst, Harry van der (2005). A mind for language. 2nd Edition. Kendall Hunt.


    Hulst, Harry van der (2005). A mind for language. 1st Edition. Kendall Hunt.


    Frank Jansen, Jos Nijhof, and Harry van der Hulst (1976). Geschiedenis van het Nederlandse vocalisme. Publikaties van de Vakgroep Nederlandse Taal- and Letterkunde. No 3. Leiden.


    Edited volumes

    In preparation (to appear in 2022)

    32. Ritter, Nancy and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (to appear). The Oxford handbook of vowel harmony. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    31. Bogomolets, Ksenia and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2023). Word prominence in polysynthetic languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    30. Dresher, Elan and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (to appear). The Oxford history of phonology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


    29. Goedemans, Rob, Jeffrey Heinz and Harry van der Hulst. (eds.) (2019). The study of word stress and accent: theories, methods and data. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


    28. Pietro Cerrone, Roberto Petrosino and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2018). From sounds to structures – Beyond the veil of Maya. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

    27. Böhm, Roger and Hulst, Harry van der (eds.) (2018). Substance-based grammar. The (ongoing) work of John Anderson. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company Company.


    26. Hulst, Harry van der and Anikó Lipták (eds.) (2017). Approaches to Hungarian. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.


    25. Heinz, Jeffrey, Rob Goedemans and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2016). Dimensions of phonological stress. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


    24. Annie Rialland, Rachid Ridouane and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2015). Features in phonology and phonetics: Posthumous writings of Nick Clements with coauthors. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.


    23. Hulst, Harry van der (ed.) (2014). Word Stress: Theoretical and typological issues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


    22. Channon, Rachel and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2011). Formational units in sign languages. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.


    21. Hulst, Harry van der, Rob Goedemans and Ellen van Zanten (eds.) (2010). A survey of word accentual patterns in the languages of the world. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

    20. Hulst, Harry van der (ed.) (2010). Recursion and Human Language. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.


    19. Weijer, Jeroen van de, Vincent van Heuven, Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2003). The Phonological spectrum. Vol. II. Suprasegmental structure. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

    18. Weijer, Jeroen van de, Vincent van Heuven, Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2003). The Phonological spectrum. Vol. I. Segmental structure. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.


    17. Crasborn, Onno, Jane Coerts, Els van der Kooij, Anne Baker and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (1999). Gebarentaalonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics.

    16. Hulst, Harry van der and Nancy Ritter (eds.) (1999). The syllable: views and facts. Mouton De Gruyter.

    15. Kager, René, Harry van der Hulst and Wim Zonneveld (eds.) (1999). The prosody – morphology interface. Oxford/Cambridge. Mass.: Blackwell.

    14. Hulst, Harry van der (ed.) (1999). Word prosodic systems in the languages of Europe. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin and New York.


    13. Goedemans, Rob., Els. Visch and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (1996). Stress patterns of the world. Part I. HIL Publications #2. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics.


    12. Hulst, Harry van der and Jeroen van de Weijer (eds.) (1995). Leiden in Last. HIL phonology papers I. HIL Publications # 1. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics.


    11. Hulst, Harry van der and Keith Snider (eds.) (1993). The phonology of tone – The representation of tonal register. Berlin/New York: Mouton De Gruyter.


    10. Hulst, Harry van der and Norval Smith (eds.) (1988). Features, segmental structure and harmony processes. Part II. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.

    9. Hulst, Harry van der Norval Smith (eds.) (1988). Features, segmental structure and harmony processes. Part I. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.

    8. Hulst, Harry van der Norval Smith (eds.) (1988). Autosegmental studies on pitch accent. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.


    7. Bogers Koen, Harry van der Hulst and Maarten Mous (eds.) (1986). The phonological representation of suprasegmentals. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.


    6. Hulst, Harry van der and Norval Smith (eds.) (1985). Advances in nonlinear phonology. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.


    5. Hulst, Harry van der and Norval Smith (eds.) (1982). The structure of phonological representations. Part II. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.

    4. Hulst, Harry van der and Norval Smith (eds.) (1982). The structure of phonological representations. Part I. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.


    3. Moortgat, Michael, Harry van der Hulst and Teun Hoekstra (eds.) (1981). The scope of lexical rules. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.

    2. Teun Hoekstra, Harry van der Hulst and M. Moortgat (eds.) (1981). Perspectives on functional grammar. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.


    1. Hoekstra, Teun, Harry van der Hulst and M. Moortgat (eds.) (1980). Lexical grammar. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.



    Edited theme issues of Journals

    1. Hulst, H.G. van der (2008). Trends in prosodic phonology. Special issue of the journal Lingua, volume 118, Issue 9 (dedicated to the memory of Jan Kooij) (with C. Ewen and N. Kula)
    2. Hulst, H.G. van der (2008). Examples of linguistic universals. Special theme issue of The Linguistic Review. Volume 25, Issue 1-2.
    3. Hulst, H.G. van der (2006). Developments in Government Phonology. Special Theme Issue of The Linguistic Review. Volume 23, Issue 4. (with N.A. Ritter)
    4. Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). Sign language: Phonetics, phonology, morphology. Theme issue of Lingua. Volume 98 (with Anne Mills)
    5. Hulst, H.G. van der (1987). De prosodische hierarchie van het Nederlands. Theme issue of GLOT vol. 10/1
    6. Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). Morfologie in Nederland [Special van GLOT] (with T. Hoekstra)
