To appear or submitted
- Hulst, H.G. (in prep.). Where are we with Hungarian vowel harmony. In: Hulst, H.G. and Aniko Liptak (eds.). The structure of Hungarian. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing
- Hulst, H.G van der and Els van der Kooij (in prep.) Phonological structure of signs – theoretical perspectives. Josep Quer Villanueva, Roland Pfau and Annika Herrmann (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Theoretical and Experimental Sign Language Research. Routledge.
- Hulst, H. G. van der (subm.). Ambiguity in Phonology. Theoretical Linguistics.
- Hulst, H. G. van der (subm.). Phonological elements. Language and Linguistics Compass
- Hulst, H. G. van der (subm.). Vowel harmony. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics (OnLine).
- Hulst, H. G. van der (subm.). Phonological typology. In: Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and Robert Dixon (eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of Typological Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (to appear), Rob Goedemans and Keren Rice (to appear). Areal aspect of word stress. In: Raymond Hickey (ed.). Handbook of Areal Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2015). The laryngeal class in RcvP and voice phenomena in Dutch.pdf.pdf. In: Johanneke Caspers, Yija Chen, Willemijn Heeren, Jos Pacilly, Niels Schiller and Ellen van Zanten (eds.). Above and beyond the segments. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 323-349
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2015). Phonological features: the work of G.N. Clements.pdf.pdf. In: Annie Rialland and Rachid Ridouane, Harry van der Hulst (in prep.). Features in phonology and phonetics”, subtitle: Posthumous writings of Nick Clements with coauthors. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 3-16.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2015). Phonological systems.pdf.pdf. In Keith Allen (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Linguistics.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2015). The Opponent Principle in RcvP: Binarity in a Unary System.pdf.pdf. In: Eric Raimy and Charles Cairns (eds.). The Segment in Phonetics and Phonology. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2015). Lowering Harmony in Bantu.pdf.pdf. In Sabrina Bendjaballah, Noam Faust, Mohamed Lahrouchi, Nicola Lampitelli (eds.). The form of structure, the structure of forms: Essays on the realization of linguistic structures. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Company, 13-36.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2014). The non-linguistic status of the Symmetry Condition in signed language: Evidence from a comparison of signs and spontaneous co-speech gesture (with S. Kita & I. van Gijn). Sign language and linguistics 7:2, 215-238 (authors preface.pdf.pdf, article itself.pdf.pdf, authors afterword.pdf.pdf)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2014). Representing rhythm.pdf.pdf. In: Hulst, H.G. van der (2014) (ed.). Word Stress: Theoretical and typological issues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 325-365.
- Hulst, H.G. van der and Rob Goedemans (2014). The separation of accent and rhythm: Evidence from StressTyp.pdf.pdf In: Hulst, H.G. van der (2014) (ed.). Word Stress: Theoretical and typological issues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 119-148.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2014). Word Stress: past, present and future.pdf.pdf. In: Hulst, H.G. van der (2014) (ed.). Word Stress: Theoretical and typological issues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3-55.
- Hulst, H.G. van der and Beata Moskal (2013). Pattern of defective labial harmony in Turkic languages.pdf.pdf. In: Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi I (Linguistic Investigations. Theme Issue: Updates to Turkish Phonology, 17-52
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2013). The discoverers of the phoneme.pdf.pdf. In: Keith Allen (eds.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 167-191.
- Hulst, Harry van der. 2012. Deconstructing stress.pdf.pdf. Lingua 122, 1494-1521. [AR 2013]
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2012). Vowel harmony in Turkish and Hungarian.pdf.pdf. In McGill Working Papers VOLUME 22(1). A. McKillen & J. Loughran (eds.) (Winter 2012. The Proceedings from MOT 2011 Phonology in the 21st Century: In Honour of Glyne Piggott. [AR 2012]
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2012). Yoruba vowel harmony.pdf.pdf. In Eugeniuc. Cyran, Henryk Kardela and Bogdan Szymanek (eds.). Sound, Structure and Sense. Studies in memory of Edmund Gussman. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 263-288.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2012). A framework for vowel harmony.pdf.pdf. In: Botma, Bert & Roland Noske (eds.), Phonological Explorations: Empirical, Theoretical and Diachronic Issues. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [Linguistische Arbeiten series] 155-190
- Channon, Rachel and Harry van der Hulst (2011). Are dynamic features required in signs?.pdf.pdf In: Channon, Rachel and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2011). Formational units in sign languages.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 229-260.
- Channon, Rachel and Harry van der (2011). Introduction: Phonetics, Phonology, Iconicity and Innateness.pdf.pdf. In: Channon, Rachel and Harry van der Hulst (eds.) (2011). Formational units in sign languages.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1-18.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2011). Pitch Accent Systems.pdf.pdf. In: Marc van Oostendorp, Colin Ewen and Keren Rice. The Blackwell Companion to Phonology. Blackwell, Volume II, 1003-27
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2011). Dependency–based phonologies.pdf.pdf. In J. Goldsmith, A. Yu and J. Riggle (eds.). The Handbook of Phonological Theory. Second Edition. Blackwell, 533-70.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Accentual systems in the languages of Middle America.pdf.pdf. In: R. Goedemans, H.G. van der Hulst & E. van Zanten (eds.). Word accent structure in the languages of the world. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter [with Keren Rice and Leo Wetzels]
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2010.). Representing Accent.pdf.pdf. In Phonological Studies.13, 117-128
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2010).Word Accent: terms, typologies and theories.pdf.pdf. In: H.G. van der Hulst, R. Goedemans, & E. van Zanten (eds.). Stress patterns of the world. Part II: the data. Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter. 3-54.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Accentual systems in the languages of Asia.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst, R. Goedemans, & E. van Zanten (eds.). Stress patterns of the world. Part II: the data. Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter. 509-614.[with René Schiering]
- Hulst, H.G. van der and Sam Hellmuth (2010). Accentual systems in the languages of the Middle East.pdf.pdf.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Accentual systems in the languages of Europe.pdf.pdf.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Notation systems.pdf.pdf. In: Diane Brentari (ed.). Cambridge Survey of Sign Linguistics and Sign Languges. (with Rachel Channon)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Constraint-based phonologies. In: University of Connecticut Working Papers.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). A note on recursion in phonology.pdf.pdf. In: Harry van der Hulst (ed.). Recursion and Human Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 301-342.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2010). Re Recursion.pdf.pdf. In: Harry van der Hulst (ed.). Recursion and Human Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, i-xv.
- Hulst, H. van der (2009). Two phonologies.pdf.pdf. In: Janet Grijzenhout and Baris Kabak (eds.). Phonological domains: universals and deviations. New York and Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 315-352.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2009). StressTyp: A Database for Word Accentual Patterns in the World’s Languages.pdf.pdf. To appear in: Martin Everaert and Simon Musgrave (eds.). The use of databases in cross-linguistics research. New York/Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 235-282 (with Rob Goedemans).
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2009). Brackets and grid marks or theories of primary accent and rhythm.pdf.pdf. In: E. Raimy and C. Cairns (eds.). Contemporary views on architecture and representations in phonological theory. MIT press, 225-245.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2008). The Dutch diminutive.pdf.pdf. In: C. Ewen, H. van der Hulst & N. Kula (eds.). Trends in prosodic phonology. Lingua volume 118, issue 9, 1288-1306.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2008). On the question of universals.pdf.pdf. In H. van der Hulst (2008) (ed.). Examples of Linguistic Universals. Special theme issue of The Linguistic Review 25/1, 1-35.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2006). Licensing in phonology.pdf.pdf. The Linguistic Review 23/4, 383-428.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2006). Phonetic implementation and phonetic pre-specification in sign language phonology.pdf.pdf. In: Louis Browman et al. (eds.). Papers in Laboratory Phonology 9, 265-286 (with Els van der Kooij).
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2006). On the parallel organization of linguistic components.pdf.pdf. In: R. Bermudez-Otero & P. Honeybone (eds.). Phonology and syntax- the same or different. Special issue of the journal Lingua Volume 116, Issue 5, 657-688.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2006). Word accent.pdf.pdf. In: Keith Brown (ed.). The encyclopedia of language and linguistics. 2nd edition. Volume 13. Oxford: Elsevier, 655-665.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2006). Dependency Phonology.pdf.pdf. In: Keith Brown (ed.). The encyclopedia of language and linguistics. 2nd edition. Volume 3. Oxford: Elsevier, 451-458.
- Hulst. H.G. van der (2005). Why phonology is the same..pdf.pdf In: H. Broekhuis Norbert Corver, Riny Huybregts, Ursula Kleinhenz and J. Koster (eds.). The organization of grammar. Studies in Honor of Henk van Riemsdijk. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 252-262.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). De vorm van taal..pdf.pdf Nederlandse Taalkunde 10, 3 / 4, 262-282.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). The molecular structure of phonological segments.pdf.pdf. In: P. Carr, J. Durand & C. Ewen (eds.). Headhood, elements, specification and contrastivity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 193-234.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). On the internal and external organization of sign segments: some modality specific property of sign segments in NGT. .pdf.pdfIn: M. van Oostendorp and J. van de Weijer (eds.). The internal organization of phonological segments. Studies in Generative Grammar 77. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 153-180. (with Els van der Kooij).
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). Rhythm types. In: Martin Haspelmath, Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Bernard Comrie (eds). The world atlas of linguistic structures, 74-77 (with R. Goedemans)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). Weight factors in weigth-sensitive stress systems. In: Martin Haspelmath, Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Bernard Comrie (eds). The world atlas of linguistic structures, 70-73 (with R. Goedemans)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). Weight-sensitive stress. In: Martin Haspelmath, Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Bernard Comrie (eds). The world atlas of linguistic structures, 66-69 (with R. Goedemans)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2005). Fixed stress locations. In: Martin Haspelmath, Matthew Dryer, David Gil and Bernard Comrie (eds). The world atlas of linguistic structures, 62-65 (with R. Goedemans)
110-113 also in:
In: Haspelmath, Martin & Dryer, Matthew S. & Gil, David & Comrie, Bernard (eds.) The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library, chapter 39. More…
- Hulst, H.G. (2004). Phonological dialectics: A short history of generative phonology..pdf.pdf In P.G.J. van Sterkenburg (ed.). Linguistics today – Facing a greater challenge. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 217-243.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2003). Cognitive phonology.pdf.pdf. In Germania at alia. A linguistic webschrift for Hans den Besten on the occasion of his 55th birthday. [ISBN: 90-9017951-8]
107. Hulst, H.G. van der (2003). Structure paradoxes in phonology..pdf.pdf In Stefan Ploch (ed.). Living on the edge. A festschrift for Jonathan Kaye. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 75-94.
106. Hulst, H.G. van der (2003). Dutch syllable structure meets Government Phonology.pdf.pdf. In: Takeru Honma, Masao Okazaki, Toshiyuki Tabata and Shin-ichi Tanaka (eds.). A new century of phonology and phonological theory: A festschrift for professor Shosuke Haraguchi on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. Tokyo, Japan: Kaitakusha, 313-343.
105. Hulst, H.G. van der (2003). Sign language structures..pdf.pdf In: Handbook of deaf studies, language and education (Oxford University Press) (with Susan Fisher), 319-331.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2002). Levels, constraints and heads..pdf.pdf In: A.M. di Sciullo (ed.) Asymmetry in grammar. Volume II. Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Company, 147-188 (with N. Ritter).
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2002). Stress.pdf.pdf. In: Nadel, L. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Vol. 4, 4. London: Nature Publishing Group, 246 – 254.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2002). Licensing in phonology. In: Korean linguistics today and tomorrow. 2002 International Conference on Korean Linguistics, 107-130.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2002). Complex segments in Radical CV Phonology. In: Korean linguistics today and tomorrow. 2002 International Conference on Korean Linguistics, 171-191.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2001). SignPhon: a phonological database for sign language.pdf.pdf. Sign language and linguistics 4, 1/2, 215-228 (with O. Crasborn, E. van der Kooij)
- Hulst, H.G. (2000). Metrical phonology.pdf.pdf. In: L. Cheng & R. Sybesma (eds.). The GLOT International state-of-the-article book. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 307-326
- H.G. van der Hulst (2000). The SPE-heritage of OT..pdf.pdf The Linguistic Review 17/2-4, 259-290 (with N. Ritter)
- H.G. van der Hulst (2000). Modularity and modality in phonology. .pdf.pdfIn: N. Burton-Roberts, P. Carr & G. Docherty (eds.). Phonological knowledge: its nature. Oxford: OUP, 207-244
- H.G. van der Hulst (2000). No sympathy for opacity.pdf.pdf. In: S. Billings & A. Griffith (eds.). The main session [CLS 35]. Chicago: Chicago Linguistics Society, 153-173. (with N. Ritter)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2000). Features, segments and syllables in Radical CV Phonology..pdf.pdf In: J. Rennison (ed.). Phonologica 1996: Syllables!? The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 89-111
- Hulst, H.G. van der (2000). Issues in foot typology.pdf.pdf. In: M. Davenport & S.J. Hannahs (eds). Issues in phonological structure. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 95-127 [Also appeared in Toronto Working Papers in linguistics, vol. 16/1, 1997, 77-102]
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1999). Stricture is structure.pdf.pdf. In: B. Hermans & M. Oostendorp (eds.). The derivational residue in phonological Optimality Theory. Dordrecht: Reidel, 153-174 (with C. Golston)
- Hulst H.G. van der (1999). Fonologie. In: W. Smedts & P.C. Paardekooper (eds.). De Nederlandse taalkunde in kaart. Leuven/Amersfoort: Acco, 113-120 [with M. van Oostendorp]
- Hulst H.G. van der (1999). Weight-by-position by position.pdf.pdf. Natural language and linguistic theory 17/3, 499-450 (with S. Rosenthal)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1999). Theories of the syllable.pdf.pdf. In: Hulst, H.G. van der & N. Ritter (eds.). The syllable: views & facts. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 13-52 (with N. Ritter)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1999). Head-driven Phonology.pdf.pdf. In: Hulst, H.G. van der & N. Ritter (eds.). The syllable: views & facts. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 113-167 (with N. Ritter)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1999). A survey of European word prosodic systems.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst (ed.). Word prosodic systems in the languages of Europe. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New York, 425-476 (with B. Hendriks and J. van de Weijer)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1999). Word accent.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst (ed.). Word prosodic systems in the languages of Europe. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin & New York, 3-116
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1998). Head-dependent asymmetries in prosodic phonology: Visibility and complexity.pdf.pdf. Phonology 15/3, 317-52 (with E. Dresher)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1998). Prosodic choices in plural formation in Dutch.pdf.pdf. In: W. Kehrein & R. Wiese (eds). Phonology and morphology of the Germanic languages. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 187-198 (with J. Kooij)
- H.G. van der Hulst (1998). Syntagmatic organization of movement phases in signs and co-speech gestures. In: I. Wachsmuth & M. Fröhlich (eds.). Proceedings of the Bielefeld gesture workshop, xxx-xxx (with S. Kita & I. van Gijn)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1998). Kammu minor syllables in Head-driven Phonology..pdf.pdf In: E. Cyran (ed.). Structure and interpretation. Studies in phonology. Lublin: Folium, 163-182 (with N. Ritter)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1997). Primary accent is non-metrical.pdf.pdf. Rivista di Linguistica 9/1, 99-127 (guest editor: I. Vogel)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1997). Locality and the nature of harmony.pdf.pdf. Lingua 103, 85-112 (with G. Piggott)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1997). On some parallels between unrealized empty nuclei and unstressed syllables.pdf.pdf. In: G. Booij & J. van de Weijer (eds.). HIL phonology papers III. HIL publications #5. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 125-149 (with G. Rowicka)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1997). Prosodische keuzes bij meervoudsvorming in het Nederlands.pdf.pdf. In: A. van Santen & M. van der Wal (eds.). Taal in tijd en ruimte. SNL Leiden, 365-375 (with J. Kooij)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1997). The prosodic structure of Kambera roots and words.pdf.pdf. In: C. Odé & W. Stokhof (eds.). Proceedings of the 7th Intern. Conf. on Austronesian linguistics. Leiden, 22-27 August 1994. Amsterdam: Rodopi Press, 105-125 (with M. Klamer)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). Reduplication in Leti.pdf.pdf (with M. Klamer). In: C. Cremers & M. den Dikken (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1996. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 109-120.[Also appeared in M. Pearson (ed), Recent Papers in Austronesian Linguistics. UCLA Occasional Papers in Linguistics 21, 1998, 147-158.]
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). Radical CV Phonology: The segment – syllable connection.pdf.pdf. In: J. Durand & B. Laks (eds.). Current trends in phonology: Models and methods. Vol 1. CNRS/ESRI Paris X, 333-363
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). The Uneven trochee and the structure of Kambera roots (with M. Klamer) In: M. Nespor & N. Smith (eds.). Dam Phonology. HIL phonology papers II. HIL Publications #3.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). StressTyp; A database for prosodic systems in the world’s languages.pdf.pdf. Glot International 2,1/2, 21-23 (with R. Goedemans & E. Visch), 27-68
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). The organization of StressTyp.pdf.pdf. In: R. Goedemans, H. van der Hulst & E. Visch (eds.). Stress patterns of the world. Part I. HIL Publications 2. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics (with R. Goedemans & E. Visch), 27-68
- Hulst H.G. van der (1996). Separating primary accent and secondary accent.pdf.pdf. In: R. Goedemans, H. van der Hulst & E. Visch (eds.). Stress patterns of the world. Part I. HIL Publications 2. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 1-26
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). On the other hand.pdf.pdf. In H.G. van der Hulst and A. Mills (eds). Issues in the phonology of sign language. Theme issue of Lingua vol. 98, 121-144
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). Issues in sign linguistics: phonetics, phonology and morpho-syntax.pdf.pdf. In: H.G. van der Hulst and A. Mills (eds). Issues in the phonology of sign language. Theme issue of Lingua vol. 98 3-18
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). Acquisitional evidence for the phonological composition of handshape.pdf.pdf. In: Ch. Koster & F. Wijnen (eds.). Proceedings of Gala 1985, 39-56
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1996). StressTyp Manual. Leiden: Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics (HIL) (with R. Goedemans & E. Visch)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). The composition of handshapes.pdf.pdf. Trondheim Working Papers 23, 1-17
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). Head-dependency relations in the representation of signs.pdf.pdf. In H. Bos & T. Schermer (eds.). Sign language research 1994. Proceedings of the 4th European congress on Sign language research. Münich 1-3 September 1994. Hamburg: Signum Press, 11-38
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). Radical CV Phonology: The categorial gesture.pdf.pdf. In: J. Durand and F. Katamba (eds.). Frontiers of phonology. Essex: Longman, 80-116
- Hulst, H.G. (1995). Global determinacy and learnability in phonology.pdf.pdf. In: J. Archibald (ed.). Phonological acquisition and phonological theory. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1-22 (with E. Dresher)
- Hulst, H.G. (1995). Metrical phonology.pdf.pdf. Glot International 1/1, 3-6
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). Head-dependent asymmetries in phonology.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst & J. van de Weijer (eds.). Leiden in Last. HIL phonology papers I. HIL Publications # 1. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 401-431 (with E. Dresher)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). Metathesis effects in Tutukeian-Letinese.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst & J. van de Weijer (eds.). Leiden in Last. HIL phonology papers I. HIL Publications # 1. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 243-267 (with A. van Engelenhoven)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). Non-linear phonology 1982-1992.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst & J. van de Weijer (eds.). Leiden in Last. HIL phonology papers I. HIL Publications # 1. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics, 1-24 (with J. van de Weijer)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1995). Vowel harmony.pdf.pdf. In: J.A. Goldsmith (ed.). The Handbook of phonological theory. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 495-534 (with J. van de Weijer)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1994). Two modes of stress assignment.pdf.pdf. In: W. Dressler & J. Rennison (eds.). Phonologica 1992. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 107-114 (with J. Kooij)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1994). An introduction to Radical CV Phonology.pdf.pdf. In: S. Shore & M. Vilkuna (eds.). SKY 1994: Yearbook of the linguistic association of Finland. Helsinki, 23-56
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1994). Radical CV Phonology: The locational gesture.pdf.pdf. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 6, 439-477
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1994). Phonological theories meet sign language: two theories of the two hands.pdf.pdf. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 13/1, 43-74 (with W. Sandler)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1993). Les atomes de la structure segmentale: composants, gestes, et dépendances.pdf.pdf. In: B. Laks & A. Rialland (eds.). Architecture des représentations phonologiques. Paris: CNRS Editions, 255-290
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1993). Head-dependent asymmetries in phonology.pdf.pdf. Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 12/3, 1-18 (with E. Dresher)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1993). Issues in the representation of tonal register.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst & K. Snider (eds.). The representation of tonal register. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter, 1-27 (with K. Snider)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1993). Units in the analysis of signs.pdf.pdf. Phonology 10/2, 209-241
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1992). Transparent consonants.pdf.pdf In: R. van Hout & R. Bok-Bennema (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1992. Berlin: Foris, 101-112 (with M. Mous)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1992). Iambic lengthening in Carib.pdf.pdf. In: R. van Hout & R. Bok-Bennema (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1992. Berlin: Foris, 113-124 (with E. Visch)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1992). The phonetic and phonological basis of the simplex feature hypothesis.pdf.pdf. In: W. Dressler et al. (eds.). Phonologica 1988. CUP, 119-132
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1991). Major class and manner features.pdf.pdf. In: P. Bertinetto et al. (ed.). Certamen Phonologicum II. Rosenberg & Sellier, 19-42 (with C. Ewen)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1991). Topics in Turkish phonology.pdf.pdf. In: H. Boeschoten & L. Verhoeven (eds.). Structure and use of Turkish. Leiden: Brill, 11-59 (with J. van de Weijer)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1990). Zurichtuutsch Umlaut and the non-existence of [+/-tense].pdf.pdf. In: J. Mascaró & M. Nespor (eds.). Work in progress. Festschrift for Henk van Riemsdijk. Dordrecht: Foris, 397-409 (with N. Smith)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1990). The segmental spine and the non-existence of [+/-ATR].pdf.pdf. In: J. Mascaró & M. Nespor (eds.). Work in progress. Festschrift for Henk van Riemsdijk. Dordrecht: Foris, 247-259
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1989). Atoms of segmental structure: components, gestures and dependency.pdf.pdf. Phonology 6/2, 253-284
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). The variety of pitch-accent systems.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). Autosegmental studies on pitch accent. Dordrecht: Foris, i-xiv (with N. Smith)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). Segmental hierarchitecture.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). Features, segmental structure and harmony processes. Dordrecht: Foris, 1-059 (with M. den Dikken)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). The geometry of vocalic features.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). Features, segmental structure and harmony processes. Dordrecht: Foris, 77-126
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). Tungusic and Mongolian vowel harmony: a minimal pair. .pdf.pdfIn: P. Coopmans & A. Hulk (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1988. Dordrecht: Foris, 79-88 (with N. Smith)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). [High], [Low] and [Back] or [I], [A] and [U].pdf.pdf. In: P. Coopmans & A. Hulk (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1988. Dordrecht: Foris, 49-58 (with C. Ewen)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). Lettergreepstructuur.pdf.pdf. GLOT 10/1,165-196 (with J. van Lit)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). Struktuur-pararadoxen bestaan niet.pdf.pdf. Spektator 17/4, 300-316 (with T. Hoekstra & F. van der Putten)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). On foot typology..pdf.pdf NELS 18, 286-209 (with A. Lahiri)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1988). The dual interpretation of |i|, |u| and |a|..pdf.pdf NELS 18, 208-222
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1987). Single-valued features and the distinction between [-F] and [0F].pdf.pdf. In: Beukema, F. & P. Coopmans (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1987. Dordrecht: Foris, 51-61 (with C. Ewen)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1987). Vowel harmony in Khalkha and Buriat (East Mongolian).pdf.pdf. In: F. Beukema & P. Coopmans (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1987. Dordrecht: Foris, 81-91 (with N. Smith)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1987). A lexical-autosegmental analysis of vowel harmony in Hungarian.pdf.pdf. In: W. Dressler et al. (eds.). Phonologica 1984. London etc.: CUP, 103-109
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1986). Fonologie en morfologie. In: P.C. Paardekooper (red.). De Nederlandse taalkunde in kaart. KUL, Leuven, 54-56
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1986). On Neutral vowels..pdf.pdf In: K. Bogers, H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). The phonological representation of suprasegmentals. Dordrecht: Foris, 233-281 (with N. Smith)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1986). The autosegmental analysis of reduced vowel harmony systems: the case of Tunen.pdf.pdf. In: F. Beukema & A. Hulk (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1986. Dordrecht: Foris, 105-123 (with M. Mous & N. Smith)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1985). The framework of nonlinear phonology.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). Advances in nonlinear phonology. Dordrecht: Foris, 3-59
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1985). Single-valued features and the non-linear analysis of vowel harmony.pdf.pdf. In: H. Bennis & F. Beukema (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1985. Dordrecht: Foris, 39-49 (with C. Ewen)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1985). Ambisyllabicity in Dutch.pdf.pdf. In: H. Bennis & F. Beukema (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1985. Dordrecht: Foris, 57-67
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1985). Vowel features and Umlaut in Djingili, Nyangumarda and Warlpiri.pdf.pdf. Phonology Yearbook 2, 277-303 (with N. Smith)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1985). Vowel harmony in Hungarian. A comparsion of segmental and autosegmental analyses.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). Advances in nonlinear phonology. Dordrecht: Foris, 267-303
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1984). Ambisyllabiciteit en de struktuur van Nederlandse lettergrepen.pdf.pdf. Spektator 14/5, 319-326
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1984). Formele en functionele fonologie.pdf.pdf. TNTL, 107-130
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1984). Nederlandse klemtoon: ongelede woorden. INL Working Papers 1 (with S. Langeweg) (
part 1.pdf.pdf,
part .pdf.pdf
2.pdf.pdf) - Hulst, H.G. van der (1984). The diminutive suffix and the structure of Dutch syllables. In: H. Bennis & W.U.S. van Lessen Kloeke (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1984. Dordrecht: Foris, 73-83
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1982). Prosodic domains and opaque segments in autosegmental phonology..pdf.pdf In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). The structure of phonological representations. Part II. Dordrecht: Foris, 311-336 (with N. Smith)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1982). An overview of autosegmental and metrical phonology.pdf.pdf. In: H. van der Hulst & N. Smith (eds.). The structure of phonological representations. Part I. Dordrecht: Foris, 1-45 (with N. Smith)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1981). Spelerig: geen geval van structurele ambigu‹teit. In: Studies voor Damsteegt. Publikaties van de Vakgroep Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde. No 10. Leiden, 106-114 (with A. van Santen)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1981). On the direction of assimilation rules.pdf.pdf. In: W. Dressler et al. (eds.). Phonologica 1980. Innsbruck, 209-214 (with J.G. Kooij)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1981). Geïnterpreteerde morfologie..pdf.pdf GLOT 4, 179-214 (with M. Moortgat)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1981). De structuur van fonologische representaties.pdf.pdf. GLOT 4, 1-33
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). Towards a lexical theory of phonological change.pdf.pdf. In: W. Zonneveld & F. Weerman (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1977-79. Dordrecht: Foris, 170-182
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). Rule conversion in phonology.pdf.pdf. In: W. Zonneveld & F. Weerman (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1977-79. Dordrecht: Foris, 336-349
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). Prosodische fonologie en de accentuatie van Nederlandse woorden.pdf.pdf. In: Verslag van de 150e vergadering van de vereniging van fonetische wetenschappen, 1-25 (with M. Moortgat)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). On the formulation of phonological rules.pdf.pdf. In: S. Daalder & M. Gerritsen (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 1980. Amsterdam etc.: North Holland Publishing Company, 10-19
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). Introduction [to Lexical Grammar].pdf.pdf. In: T. Hoekstra, H. van der Hulst, M. Moortgat (eds.). Lexical Grammar. Dordrecht: Foris, 1-48 (with T. Hoekstra & M. Moortgat)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1980). Het lexicon en de klasse van mogelijke grammatica’s.pdf.pdf. Forum der Letteren 21, 177-195 (with T. Hoekstra & M. Moortgat)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1979). Klankverandering: regelgebonden of lexicaal diffuus.pdf.pdf. GLOT 2, 31-44
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1979). “ALEX” of het grammaticaal coderen van een taalbank. In: Jaarboek van de Stichting Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie 1977-78, 78-87 (with M. Moortgat)
- Hulst, H. van der (1978). Recent developments in phonological theory.pdf.pdf. Lingua 49: 207-38.
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1978). Naar een adequate theorie van taalverandering.pdf.pdf. GLOT 1, 119-145
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1978). Geïnstitutionaliseerde lexicologie. Forum der Letteren 19, 72-85 (with W. Pijnenburg & M. Moortgat)
- Hulst, H.G. van der (1977). Natuurlijke generatieve fonologie.pdf.pdf. Spektator 7, 423-433